At its core, a comprehensive plan is a vision for the future at a community scale. Comprehensive plans are created by and for the community to record shared goals and desires for themselves and their fellow community members. A comprehensive plan examines what a community is, where it came from, and crafts a coordinated road map for the future. This road map guides the growth and development of the community for the next 10 to 20 years, and is revisited to ensure its relevance.
The Achieve Shawnee Comprehensive Plan was adopted in October 2021. Updates to the plan were approved in February 2025, including the following items:
- Section 3, Future Land Use Framework to provide text amendments the Growth Framework text and map (Figure 3.1).
- Section 3, Future Land Use Framework to provide text amendments the Future Land Use categories.
- Section 3, Future Land Use Framework map amendments (Figures 3.3-3.10). This includes maintaining the current land use designation of Mixed (Residential Neighborhood) Use on property located at the northwest corner of K-7 Highway and 75th Street.
- Section 3, Future Land Use Framework to create a new Valley of Champions Destination Recreation District.
- Section 4, Transportation Framework amendments to the Transportation Framework map (Figure 4.1) and the Green Streets Framework map (Figure 4.2).
- Section 4, Transportation Framework text and map amendments to include Transportation Alternatives content.
Incorporation of the updates into the Comprehensive Plan document are pending, and are not included in the document links below. Use the links above to review amended figures and text.