City of Shawnee

Facility Rental


The Shawnee Civic Centre, located at 13817 Johnson Drive, features various rooms that can accommodate groups up to 400. The full building accommodates up to 615 people. All reservations must be made in person, Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. or by appointment. For appointments and facility availability call, 913.631.5200.

Facility Rental Hours

  • Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
  • Friday - Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to Midnight
  • Sunday - Noon to 9:00 p.m.

Hourly Rentals Rates
All rates are hourly. Please note there is a 20% premium on Saturdays. This cost is in red. All rentals include setup of tables and chairs. Please include any setup, decorating and clean up time in your rental. The first number under max capacity represents a party style setup with tables and chairs. The second, higher number, represents maximum capacity lecture style with chairs only.

Rooms Available Max
Civic Group Shawnee
Resident or
Non-Resident Commercial
Multipurpose Room/Gym 400 $72/$86.40 $90/$108 $120/$144 $149/$178.80
Multipurpose Room/Kitchen 400 $92/$110.40 $115/$138 $153/$183.60 $191/$229.20
1 Cedar Room (formerly 1 Meeting Room) 18-25 $12/$14.40 $15/$18 $20/$24 $25/$30
2 Cedar Room (formerly 2 Meeting Rooms) 36-50 $24/$28.80 $30/$36 $40/$48 $50/$60
3 Cedar Rooms (formerly 3 Meeting Rooms) 48-75 $32/$38.40 $40/$48 $53/$63.60 $66/$79.20
The Dogwood Room (formerly The Little Theatre) 54-65 $32/$38.40 $40/$48 $53/$63.60 $66/$79.20
The Redbud Room (formerly The Senior Room) 72-75 $32/$38.40 $40/$48 $53/$63.60 $66/$79.20
1/2 of the Redbud Room 30-40 $16/$19.20 $20/$24 $27/$32.40 $33/$39.60
Large Kitchen
$20/$24 $25/$30 $33/$39.60 $42/$50.40
Small Kitchen
0 $5/$6 $7/$8.40 $8/$9.60
The Redbud Room, 3 Cedar Rooms, and The Small Kitchen 102-150 $68/$81.60 $85/$102 $113/$135.60 $141/$169.20
Full Building Rental
$192/$230.40 $240/$288 $319/$382.80 $398/$477.60

Civic - An organization with an office located within the City limits of Shawnee meeting the Internal Revenue Service qualifications for 501(c)(3) status. Proof Required.

Resident/Business - A business with an office in the City limits (for non-business activity) primary living domicile in City limits. Non-business related activity by non-resident of a Shawnee business does not qualify under this category. Proof of Residency Required.

Non-Resident - An individual whose primary living domicile is outside the City limits of Shawnee.

Commercial - When a fee will be charged by the renter to others to use the facility, either by an admission charge at the door, advance ticket sales or registration fees; or when company business will be conducted.

Optional Rental Equipment
  • Extension Cord - $5 each
  • Easel - $10 each
  • Microphone/Bluetooth - $10
  • Portable Projector - $20
  • Screen - $15
  • Podium - $10
  • Stage (8ft x 16ft) - $25
  • Portable 65" Presentation TV - $35
  • Pumper Pot of Coffee- $10
Court Rental
Court Rental for Basketball or Volleyball
  • Fall & Winter rental season runs from October to March. We begin taking for these dates the first Wednesday after Labor Day for Fall & Winter.
  • Spring & Summer rental season runs from April to September. We begin taking rentals for these dates on the first Wednesday in March.
  • Practice rentals are for 1/2 of the Gym (one court)
  • Each team may reserve only one time slot per week.
  • Each person may reserve a time slot for only one team.
  • Team rosters are required with all players' names and addresses.
  • Reservations must be made in person at the Shawnee Civic Centre.
  • Fees: $25.00 per court per hour

Due to limited availability, reservations are limited to Shawnee residents, business owners and teams with 50% Shawnee residents (please provide a roster with players names, ages and addresses).

Court Rental Form