Downtown Partnership Grant Program
Downtown commercial property owners undertaking exterior improvements may be eligible for a grant for $2,000-$5,000. A grant will be awarded as reimbursement for actual costs for architectural services and/or construction costs or material for exterior remodeling or new construction. Eligible improvements include, but are not limited to: facade restoration, window/door repair or replacement, masonry, awnings, signage, exterior lighting, painting, and landscaping. New construction is also eligible.
Downtown Partnership Improvement Loan Program
Downtown residential and commercial property owners may receive loans for between $5,000 and $50,000 through a local participating bank for the renovation and updating of facades and other building improvements. The Downtown Improvement Loan interest rate will be 1.5% below the rate normally offered by the lending institution. Eligible improvements include, but are not limited to: facade restoration, window/door repair or replacement, masonry, awnings, signage, exterior lighting, painting, building additions, new
roof and landscaping.