City of Shawnee

Trash Collection, Recycling and Yard Waste

The City encourages residents to recycle and dispose of waste items in appropriate ways. We hope to make it is as easy as possible for our residents to do the right thing with their no longer needed items. If you have any questions regarding trash and recycling, contact Assistant City Manager Colin Duffy at (913) 742-6331.

Johnson County Landfill has adjusted their Saturday hours to 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.



New Resident Trash FAQ's

How do I set up my trash service?
The City does not provide trash service. The City licenses haulers that Home Owners Associations can contract with or individual homeowners can set up a subscription with for service.

If you live in a Home Owners Association, please contact the board to find out if you are paying for service through your dues or fees. If you are, please ask them what you need to do to continue service to your residence.

If you do not live in a Home Owners’ Association or find out your Association doesn’t provide for collection, you will need to set up service through a licensed residential hauler.

Where do I get my trash and recycling containers?
Your trash provider you have either through your Home Owners Association or your subscription service is required to give you a trash and recycling container.

If you have containers left from the previous owner and you do not have the same hauler, call the hauler listed on the carts to have them picked up. If you are using the same provider, let them know you already have carts, they may just ask you to keep using the ones you have.

Why do I have both trash and recycling service?
The City of Shawnee (as well as all Johnson County cities) operate under a system called Pay-As-You-Throw. This system is set up so that you are able to set out as much trash that fits into your trash bin with the lid closed without paying extra for it and you are able to set out an unlimited amount of recycling. If your recycling container is full you can set out another clearly marked container to put excess recycling in. If you have extra trash, you are required to purchase stickers for each additional bag of trash. More information is found on the Curbside Trash and Recycling Page.

What should I do with my Yard Waste?
If you are with a Home Owners Association that provides trash and recycling service, please check with your board to see what type of yard waste service is included in your contract. If your homes association does not provide for yard waste collection, or you are an individual subscriber, please contact your hauler to see what services they may have for you.

Please do NOT put your yard waste inside of your trash container. Yard Waste is not allowed to be disposed of in the landfill and should not be mixed with your trash. As, such it is not counted as part of you trash limit, but your hauler may have a limit to the amount of yard waste they will collect for your subscription. For more information on yard waste please see the Yard Waste section of our website.

Is there a large or bulky item pick up day?
Yes. This service is provided once a year by your trash hauler.

Curbside Trash and Recycling Collection

Trash and recycling removal services are provided to residents by private companies licensed with the City. Haulers licensed in Shawnee must provide their customers with a trash container and collect trash at least once a week.

Residents can put as much trash into the provided container as they can fit with the lid closed securely. Under the City code, yard waste is not included in the trash limit. Any trash that is outside the container must be paid for through the purchase of stickers that residents should place on each additional bag of trash outside the container.

Stickers can be purchased at City Hall, 11110 Johnson Drive, through December 31st, 2024. Starting January 1st, 2025, residents will need to contact their hauler directly to purchase stickers.

Waste Management customers can purchase stickers at the following locations:
Earl May Garden Center - 21700 Midland Drive, Shawnee, KS 66218
Hen House - 15000 W 87th Street Parkway, Lenexa, KS 66215 
Hen House - 11721 Roe Avenue, Leawood, KS 66211
Hen House - 6950 Mission Road, Prairie Village, KS 66208
Hen House - 6900 West 135th Street, Overland Park, KS 66223
Hen House - 11930 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS 66210
City of Mission - 6090 Woodson Road, Mission, KS 66202
City of Mission Hills - 6300 State Line Road, Mission Hills, KS 66208
Price Chopper - 7418 W 119th Street, Overland Park, KS 66213
Price Chopper - 4950 Roe Blvd, Roeland Park, KS 66205
Price Chopper - 3700 W 95th Street, Leawood, KS 66206
Price Chopper - 22210 W 66th Street, Shawnee, KS 66226
Price Chopper - 19601 W. 101st Street, Lenexa, KS 66220
Price Chopper - 12010 W 63rd Street, Shawnee, KS 66216
Price Chopper - 8686 Antioch Road, Overland Park, KS 66212
Price Chopper - 13351 Mission Road, Leawood, KS 66209
Price Chopper - 7201 W 151st Street, Overland Park, KS 66223
Price Chopper - 11700 W 135th Street, Overland Park, KS 66221
Westlake Hardware - 7821 W 151st Street, Overland Park, KS 66223
Westlake Hardware - 15066 W. 151st Street, Olathe, KS 66062
Westlake Hardware -  12230 W 63rd Street, Shawnee, KS 66216
Westlake Hardware - 4049 Somerset Drive, Prairie Village, KS 66208
Westlake Hardware - 15225 W 87th Street, Lenexa, KS 66219
Westlake Hardware - 9301 Santa Fe Drive, Overland Park, KS 66212

Residents experiencing problems with trash collection should notify the trash hauler directly of the problem.


In addition to trash, all residential haulers must also provide and collect recycling weekly or every two weeks. Residents will be charged by their selected hauler for trash and recycling services in a single fee.

Recycling is unlimited. You can put out additional recycling that exceeds your recycling container for no extra charge. Make sure to clearly mark on any additional recycling container that the contents are meant for recycling.

Curbside Recycling Items

Yard Waste
If you are in a home owners association that contracts for trash and recycling, please make sure to check that the home owners association has included yard waste in their contract before setting it out on the curb.

If you are in a home owners association that did not contract for service or if you are an individual subscriber, your hauler may have a subscription yard waste service they offer on an individual basis. The hauler’s yard waste service may have limits on the amount of yard waste they will collect. Contact your hauler directly to see what services may be available and limits they may have.

All yard waste placed for curbside pick-up should be placed in Kraft compostable bags or be bundled. Bundles should have tree trimmings that are less than two inches in diameter and not larger than 48 inches long and 18 inches in diameter.

Some haulers may allow for the use of reusable rigid containers. Please contact your hauler for more information about the use of rigid containers.

Alternatives to Curbside Collection
If you do not have a service for yard waste you can also create your own compost area to manage yard waste. Please see section 08.16.070 of the Shawnee Municipal Code for composting requirements.

You may also consider taking it to a drop off facility or use other alternative methods to manage the yard waste you produce. This can include mulch mowing of leaves and leaving leaves and grass clippings on the lawn when possible. For additional information please visit the Johnson County Department of Health and Environment Yard Waste.

Remember, the City prohibits anyone from depositing debris or yard waste of any kind into the street, or curb and gutter. Grass clippings that are discharged by lawn mowers or dumped onto the street, curb or gutter, or in creeks or streams, stop up storm drains and prohibit optimum flow. During hard rains, blocked storm drains back up water into the street causing flooding of streets and property. In addition, yard waste dumped into our streams and ponds can cause increased natural bacteria growth (blue-green algae) which can release toxins that can be harmful if ingested by humans and pets. Increased bacteria growth also uses oxygen in the water that can cause fish to die. If you see this kind of dumping, please notify the Public Works Department at 742-6008.
Licensed Haulers

Residential Service Providers
Waste Management/Deffenbaugh (913) 631-3300
Republic Services (Superior Disposal & A-1) (816) 254-1470
GFL Environmental (816) 380-5595 (Note this hauler serves limited areas)
KC Disposal (816) 388-9739
Constable Sanitation (816) 204-1192 (Note this hauler serves contract based HOA's only)
Earth First Waste Solutions (888) 433-9765

Multi-Family/Commercial Recycling Providers
Earth First Waste Solutions (913) 631-3300
Abibow Recycling LLC 1 (800) 874-1301
Republic Services (Allied Waste) (816) 254-1470
GFL Environmental (816) 380-5595
Earth First Waste Solutions (888) 433-9765

Multi-Family/Commercial Trash Providers
Republic Services (Allied Waste) (816) 254-1470
Waste Management/Deffenbaugh (913) 631-3300
Gardner Disposal Services (913) 856-3851
GFL Environmental (816) 380-5595
Earth First Waste Solutions (888) 433-9765

Ted’s Trash – provides roll away dumpster services (816) 252-1594
Food Cycle KC - provides residential curbside composting services  (913) 353-5822

Glass Recycling

Any glass food and/or beverage container of any color (including mason jars) can be placed in the bins that are located around Shawnee. There is no need to sort the glass by color and labels do not need to be removed. The City will host the bin, tidy up any broken glass and contact Ripple Glass when it needs to be picked up.

  • Splash Cove parking lot, 5700 King St.
  • Central Bank of the Midwest, 15100 W. 67th St.
  • Price Chopper, 22210 W 66th St
  • Johnson County Landfill, 17955 Holliday Drive

rippleglass containerIn addition, several businesses sell small, durable plastic bins for home use. These bins make it easier to store glass at home and transport it to a drop-off location. 

Please head to the Ripple Glass website for a complete list of locations that sell the Ripple Glass home bins.

This drop-off program offers a convenient way for residents to recycle glass.

Hazardous and Electronic Waste

Hazardous Waste
There are two locations to take Hazardous Materials in Johnson County.

Johnson County Household Hazardous Waste facility College Boulevard and Mastin Street (913) 715-6907
Olathe Household Hazardous 1420 S. Robinson Drive (913) 971-9311

The above locations have different hours and requirements for appointments. Visit their websites or call to find out more details about appointments and what items are accepted.

Johnson County residents can safely dispose of their old or unwanted paint, stain, yard chemicals and other household hazardous waste by appointment only at the Johnson County Household Hazardous Waste facility. Recycled latex paint is available for purchase through the Re-Blended paint program, and residents can also find usable items in the Free Store.
Electronic Waste

Electronic waste can be recycled or disposed at different locations in the Kansas City area. The City has an e-recycling event in the spring. Locations to recycle your electronics include:

Goodwill Stores accept old computer electronics.

Unwanted Mattresses
Medication Drop-off and Disposal