Homeowners 55 and older who earn $34,450 or less are eligible for a refund of up to $700 under the Homestead Property Tax Refund Act.
You must also meet one of the following requirements:
- 55 years of age or older
- Blind or disabled
- Have a dependent child under 18 who lived with you all year whom you claim as a personal exemption
Additionally, 50 percent of Social Security benefits will be excluded from the definition of income for the purposes of qualifying for the program, resulting in additional property tax relief for seniors.
A property tax refund is available for homeowners 65 or older with a household income of $19,500 or less in 2017 under the Safe Senior Program. The refund is 75% or the property taxes paid. Those who claim this refund cannot claim a Homestead refund.
A homeowner with a residence valued at more than $350,000 or more is prohibited from participating in the program. Call (785) 368-8222 for property tax details or click here.