City of Shawnee

April Showers Craft Fair

April Showers bring the crafting hour! The April Showers Craft Festival is on Saturday, April 5th from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. at the Shawnee Civic Centre 13817 Johnson Drive. Admission is free. Get your shopping list ready and check out this year's vendors below!

Booth #s Last Name First Initial Business Name
35 Alvarez R Ugly dog crafts 
75 Andrew K Kathy Andrew 
43 Birkel K Taza Domestic 
51, 52 Boehner V Blueberry Lane and Co LLC 
31, 32 Boss T Teresa Boss 
37 Boyd E Dragon Slayer 
74 Brown P Patsy Bouquet  
21 Burgess N The Big Tea Co 
70 Burgess B MeMa's Rockin! 
14 Carnahan P Huggybears Soft Sculpture 
29 Chapman L Matthew's Wooden Creations 
39 Clarke S Lavernes Emporium of Handcrafts  
13 Cochran B Jewelry Box
62 Colon K Kathy Colon 
71 Delarosa C Christine DeLaRosa 
49, 50 Diebold C C & S Creations 
46 Dinneen M Artful Annie KC 
69 Downey H Helane Marie, LLC 
22 Drinkard A Drinkard Crochet 
67 Foust L Distinctfully Sweet 
65 Gillum M Creative Crafting 
60 Green K K&S Designs 
7 Hager G RedFox Glass Art 
47 Hayes L Banana Barn Pottery 
54 Hayes C Lynn's Crafts 
15 Hayward K 3 Sisters Create 
44 Higgins J Hannah's Homemade Happiness 
25 Hockman J Judy Hockman Designs 
30 Hogue K Crafty Creations 
63 Hughes L Personalize Me KC 
36 Inich H Sew Many Things & More 
8, 9 Jestmore C Gems by Cherri / Connie's Creations 
4 Johannes L Cricket Crafts 
64 Johnson S Sue Johnson
34 Karnes A Mandala Style 
19 Keck M Keck Enterprises 
20 Keleher B Bundleups
11, 12 Kennedy A Big Al's Galaxy Garage with Kennedy Originalz Design 
10 Lushbough J Mattie Jules Studio 
76 May D DD Designs 
18 Mays F Valley Soaps 
69 McDonald N Nancy Ann Creations 
38 Mejia W WooWorks 
72, 73 Mize B Love B N Crafty 
1, 2 Oberheu D Rough Cuts KC 
45 Peal M With A Peal 
3 Pennington M Pennington Pottery 
17 Phillips D Meechie Bags 
55, 56 Phillips N Frog Creations 
27 Plubell M Ria Mar Designs 
57 Polen P Pamela's Purr-fects 
5 Proctor K Sew Sassy 
24 Ramsey E Funky Stuff 
28 Reiersen D Dorothy's Treasures 2 
41 Richards E Bee's Corner Booth 
40 Root J Artful Designs by Judy 
58 Schwede K Live Driven 
33 Shoemaker J The Sewcial Room (fka Blueline Bags) 
59 Sizemore R Robin's Crafts 
48 Snelgrove K Kathy Snelgrove 
23 Solis M Emily's Little Shop / The Crystalist 
16 Taylor A Wildfire Metal 
26 Tomasich J Jane Tomasich 
42 Ulrich D Country Peddler 
6 Weber D Webbie's Engravings 
61 White K Karen White 
53 Wolfe C Sissy's Handmade Creations 
68 Zimmerman A Suzy Belle's Sweets 


 If you would like to be added to the waitlist, please complete the vendor application and return it to Shawnee Parks & Recreation c/o Matt Mann:

 Email:[email protected]
 Fax: (913) 631-4651
 Mail: 11110 Johnson Drive
           Shawnee, KS 66203
 Walk-in: 13817 Johnson Drive
            Shawnee, KS 66215

For questions or more information, contact Matt Mann, (913) 742-6405