City of Shawnee

Community Development Block Grant


Public comment period for amendment to 2025 Action Plan
On or after Friday, April 21, 2025, the City of Shawnee intends to submit a substantial amendment to the 2025 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan. The substantial amendment includes the reallocation of funds from a previously approved street improvement project to a stormwater pipe replacement project. The previously approved project is no longer located within an eligible project area.
The newly proposed use of the 2025 Program Year funds are as follows: 
Project: Renner Road Stormwater Pipe Replacement
Purpose: Stormwater pipe replacement and associated repairs, including site restoration
Estimated 2025 CDBG Funding: $184,580 

Detailed information on the project is available for review at the Shawnee City Hall, 11110 Johnson Drive between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., or by contacting Lauren Grashoff at 913-742-6226 or [email protected]

There is a 30-day comment period, beginning on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, and ending at 5:00pm on April 18, 2025. Comments on the proposed substantial amendment may be provided in writing to Lauren Grashoff at 11110 Johnson Drive, Shawnee, Kansas 66203, by phone at (913) 742-6226, or by email to [email protected] prior to 5:00 p.m. on April 18, 2025. 

Shawnee's 2025-2029 CDBG Consolidated Plan and 2025 Action Plan Approved

The 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan outlines the City’s priority needs, objectives, and anticipated projects to be undertaken to meet the community development needs of low and moderate income residents. The Annual Plan is a component of the five-year Consolidated Plan.

The 2025 Action Plan outlines the types of projects anticipated to be undertaken to meet the community development needs of low and moderate income residents. It is expected that the City of Shawnee will receive approximately  $275,888 in entitlement Community Development Block Grant funds for fiscal year 2025.  The following projects are included in the 2025 plan; Johnson County Park and Recreation District for summer camp scholarships and out of school care, The Salvation Army, Metro Lutheran Ministry, El Centro, and Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas for resident subsistence payments, Friends of JCDS for home rehabilitation improvements, approximately $184,000 for an infrastructure project, and 10% of the total grant award for administrative costs.  

CDBG Program Overview Video

2023 Annual Action Plan

The Governing Body approved the projects below as part of the 2023 Annual Action Plan. The 2023 CDBG award amount is $264,979.

Barton Street (W. 59th Street to Johnson Drive) Improvements - $182,450 for the removal and replacement of the existing street to include grading, widening, curb, sidewalk/ADA ramps, storm drainage facilities, pavement markings, and LED streetlight luminaires. The street and stormwater improvements will reduce the traffic hazards, increase pedestrian safety, and reduce area flooding. The project will be completed in 2023.

Minor Home Rehabilitation Program - The City contracts with Johnson County Housing Services to provide housing rehabilitation services up to $5,000 per residence. Eligible projects include, but are not limited to, plumbing, heating, roofing, handicapped accessibility and remedy of interior code violations. Program applicants must be income qualified. The amount recommended for this program is $25,000. It is expected that 8 households in Shawnee will receive assistance through this program.

Johnson County Parks and Recreation - $8,711 for summer day camp and out of school care scholarship assistance to low and moderate income households with children.

The Salvation Army - $13,793 for emergency rent and utility assistance to income qualified Shawnee residents.

Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas - $3,448 to provide emergency rent and utility assistance to income qualified Shawnee residents.

Metro Lutheran Ministries - $13,793 to provide emergency rent, utility, and food assistance to income qualified Shawnee residents.

Friends of JCDS - $12,000 to pay for replacement of a clay sewer line to an existing single family residence occupied by individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities.

2024 Annual Action Plan
The Governing Body approved the projects below as part of the 2024 Annual Action Plan. The 2024 award amount is $275,888.

King Street (W. 59th Terrace to Johnson Drive) Improvements - $221,880.50 for the removal and replacement of the existing street to include grading, widening, curb, sidewalk/ADA ramps, storm drainage facilities, pavement markings, and LED streetlight luminaires. The street and stormwater improvements will reduce the traffic hazards, increase pedestrian safety, and reduce area flooding. The project will be constructed in 2024.

Johnson County Parks and Recreation - $11,002.50 for summer day camp and out of school care scholarship assistance to low and moderate income households with children.

The Salvation Army - $20,000 for emergency rent and utility assistance to income qualified Shawnee residents.

Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas - $5,000 to provide emergency rent and utility assistance to income qualified Shawnee residents.

Friends of JCDS - $18,000 to supplement exterior home repairs at an existing residence owned by Friends of JCDS to house three individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
2020 - 2024 Consolidated Plan and 2020 Action Plan

The purpose of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is to provide assistance to low and moderate income residents. Every five years a Consolidated Plan is adopted, and each year an Annual Action Plan (grant application) is submitted for approval, which conforms to the five-year plan.  In 2020, the City submitted both a five-year (2020-2024) Consolidated Plan and an annual Action Plan for the use of CDBG funds.

The City of Shawnee was awarded $414,752 of CDBG Coronavirus Funds by the Federal CARES Act in 2020. The additional monies were incorporated in the 2020 Annual Action Plan by two substantial amendments.

The following strategic priorities were selected to provide supports to low and moderate-income residents for the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan.  
Public facilities and improvements
Housing rehabilitation
Homelessness prevention
Public Services, including in response to the coronavirus
Economic Development (added to support coronavirus response)

The Governing Body approved the projects below as part of the 2020 Annual Plan, as amended in April 2021.

59th Street (King Street to Barton Street) Improvements - $218,039 for the removal and replacement of the existing street to include grading, widening, curb, sidewalk/ADA ramps, storm drainage facilities, pavement markings, and LED streetlight luminaires. The street and stormwater improvements will reduce the traffic hazards, increase pedestrian safety, and reduce area flooding. The project will be completed in 2021. 

Minor Home Rehabilitation Program - The City contracts with Johnson County Housing Services to provide housing rehabilitation services. Eligible projects undertaken include plumbing, heating, roofing, handicapped accessibility and remedy of interior code violations. Program applicants must be income qualified. The amount recommended for this program is $35,000, an additional $10,000 from prior year allocations. It is expected that 12 households in Shawnee will receive assistance through this program. 

Friends of Johnson County Developmental Services - $9,925 to create an accessible bathroom for three residents at a home they own on 69th Terrace. The City CDBG funds would be in addition to other funding sources, which will support more significant accessibility improvements. The estimated total project costs is approximately $55,670. 

$2,850 to install air scrubbers/purifiers on HVAC systems at three residences owned by Friends of JCDS. The project is to prevent the coronavirus.

$16,000 for home improvements at a sing-family residence owned by Friends of JCDS. The home will be used to house clients that need to isolate due to testing positive for COVID-19. After that time, the residence will serve a permanently affordable housing for Friends of JCDS clients.

Johnson County Parks and Recreation - $11,700 for summer day camp scholarship assistance to low and moderate income households with children.

The Salvation Army - $7,500 for emergency rent and utility assistance to income qualified Shawnee residents and $7,500 for emergency rent, mortgage and utility assistance for households impacted by the coronavirus. 

Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas - $5,000 to provide emergency rent and utility assistance to income qualified Shawnee residents and $5,000 to provide emergency rent, mortgage and utility assistance to respond to persons impacted by the coronavirus.

Shawnee Community Services - $5,000 provide emergency rent, mortgage and utility assistance to respond to persons impacted by the coronavirus.

Economic Development - $112,000 for Micro-Enterprise Assistance & Low-Moderate Income job creation or Retention for businesses with 2-25 full time equivalent employees. The grants are awarded in response to economic hardship experienced by Shawnee small businesses as a direct effect of the coronavirus. The grants are used to pay lease or mortgages, up to $5,000.

Click to view the complete 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and 2020 Annual Action Plan report.

  • Contact Info
  • Assistant City ManagerLauren Grashoff 
  • Address11110 Johnson Drive 
  • Telephone(913) 742-6226 
  • Email
  • Hours8am-5pm